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334 search results for: senior health


What Every Orange County Family Caregiver Should Know

If you’re providing care for a senior loved one, it’s probable that you fell into the responsibility without any formal training: you saw the requirement, and gallantly stepped forward to fulfill it. Yet, at CareWorks Health Services, substantial training is provided to each of our professional in-home caregivers before they are fully equipped to safely […]


When Is a Lie Okay When Dealing with Alzheimer’s?

At an early age, we learn the story of George Washington’s mishap with the cherry tree and his bold admittance to his parents, “I cannot tell a lie; I chopped down the cherry tree!” Honesty is embedded in our character, and even telling a small white lie can wrack us with guilt. But could it […]


The Top Questions to Ask Before Mom Moves In

One of the most noble and admirable decisions adult children can make is caring for elderly parents at home. Our parents raised and cared for us when we needed assistance, so it seems like a no-brainer to reciprocate when it becomes unsafe for Mom or Dad to live alone. But there are a number of […]


Does Exercise Improve Life for Those with Parkinson’s Disease?

The effects of keeping physically active throughout aging are amazing; however, for people who have Parkinson’s, it may truly be a game-changer in the progression of the disease. Several recent studies are discovering direct links between exercise and Parkinson’s, like the largest clinical study up to now, in which patients who exercised a minimum of […]


It’s True! A Good Diet Gives You a Better Brain!

The remarkable results of a recent AARP study are in: people who maintain a healthy diet plan are twice as apt to consider their mental acuity to be very good or excellent in comparison to people who rarely eat well. In particular, a diet high in fish, vegetables and fruits equated to higher brain health. […]


Turning a Bad Day Into a Great One as a Family Caregiver

“What a crazy day,” we sometimes bemoan, shrugging our shoulders despondently. Naturally, sometimes things happen that are totally out of your control, plus some days they seem to happen at the same time – making us wish we’d chose to simply remain in bed! But the truth is, there actually are steps we can all […]


The Latest Technologies for Vision Loss

Impacting tens of millions of Americans, vision loss is as varied as the individuals who experience it – from simply needing to don a pair of reading glasses to scan through the morning paper, to complete blindness. And it’s even more prevalent in older adults, with one in every three seniors over age 65 experiencing […]


How to Word Commonly Said Phrases More Positively for Aging Parents

Honesty is always the best policy, right? Yet there are times when some truths are better left unsaid, or at least worded more positively, particularly when communicating with aging loved ones. While we may have the very best of intentions in trying to help older adults navigate life, we can help prevent hurt feelings in […]


Sibling Rivalry Over Aging Parents: Finding a Fair Caregiving Balance

Do you recall how difficult it could be as a child to learn the concept of sharing with your sisters and brothers? Despite the fact that the incredible importance of taking into consideration other people’s feelings, as well as being fair, was impressed upon us from a young age, it may still be a hurdle […]


A Lesser Known Effect of Dementia: Anosognosia

“Why would you think I have Alzheimer’s? There’s nothing wrong with me!” If you’ve listened to a friend or family member with dementia frustratingly voice this or maybe a matching sentiment, it’s possible you have assumed the person was simply in denial and unwilling to accept a tough diagnosis. The simple truth is, however, that […]