A woman experiencing decision fatigue pauses to stare into the distance with a confused look on her face.

The Silent Struggle of Decision Fatigue in Dementia Care

Have you ever reached the end of a long day and realized…
An older woman stands in the park with her arms lifted in triumph after mastering goal setting for older adults.

Transforming Life Through Goal Setting for Older Adults

We often think of setting goals as an activity reserved for…
A woman supporting two elderly parents goes for a walk with them.

Supporting Two Elderly Parents Without Losing Yourself

Anyone who has been a caregiver for an aging parent can tell…
A woman who is trying to understand the way someone with dementia experiences the world places her hand on her mother’s shoulder.

The Way Someone With Dementia Experiences the World and How You Can Help

The way someone with dementia experiences the world isn’t…
A man who knows the importance of decluttering with your parents packs items into large cardboard boxes with his elderly mother.

Begin Decluttering With Your Parents Now for Lasting Memories and a Safer Home

You’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and start working…
Three older women who have an optimistic outlook on aging share a laugh.

An Optimistic Outlook on Aging Can Make All the Difference!

Caring for an aging parent often means becoming their confidant…
A woman who knows how important it is to empower aging parents hugs her mom on the sofa as they smile at each other.

How to Empower Your Aging Parents and Promote Independence

Imagine if your mom, who's always had a green thumb, decides…
A man uses strategies for when aging parents reject assistance while talking to his elderly father about getting some help at home.

Resolving Conflict When Aging Parents Reject Assistance

It is a complicated scenario many family caregivers face:…
An older man confidently leans on his cane. He has learned fall prevention strategies to help him overcome his fear of falling.

Fall Prevention Strategies to Overcome the Fear of Falling Among Seniors

As we grow older, it is natural to become more cautious about…
A senior man blows out candles on a birthday cake as his family cheers him on. They know the importance of coming up with birthday party ideas for seniors to ensure their loved one feels special.

Crafting Joyful Memories: Unique Birthday Party Ideas for Seniors

If you are looking for a great way to celebrate the life of…
A woman comforts her elderly mother as she contemplates whether it is time for 24-hour dementia care.

Knowing When to Take the Step Toward 24-Hour Dementia Care

Taking good care of a family member with dementia requires…