Does Exercise Improve Life for Those with Parkinson’s Disease?
The effects of keeping physically active throughout aging are…

A New Way of Thinking About Alzheimer’s Disease May Produce a Long-Awaited Cure
Those of us who follow the current research in Alzheimer’s…

It’s True! A Good Diet Gives You a Better Brain!
The remarkable results of a recent AARP study are in: people…

Sibling Rivalry Over Aging Parents: Finding a Fair Caregiving Balance
Do you recall how difficult it could be as a child to learn the…

How Can Elderly Drivers Giving Up Their Car Keys Negatively Affect Their Health?
It’s one of the more troublesome decisions we must confront…

New Study May Show Direct Link Between Insomnia and Dementia
Whether it is worry, stress or an overactive mind, many seniors…

Dementia Care Tips: How to Respond When a Senior Wants to Go “Home”
"Home sweet home" as the saying goes; but if you are caring for…

There Actually Is an Upside to Dementia
Introduce the topic of "dementia" at your next summer party and…

CareWorks Health Services Offers Help with Downsizing for Seniors
"I may have a use for this someday." We all have items we hold…

Pill Organizers: Our Senior Care Experts Share The Hidden Dangers
On average, a senior takes approximately 15-18 different prescriptions…

3 Tips to Help Caregivers Let Go of Guilt
When you are a family member providing care for an aging or chronically…

Orange County Home Care Tips: 3 Ways to Turn Around Difficult Family Dynamics
We’ve all experienced them: the difficult family dynamics that…