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312 search results for: senior health


Pain Management in the Elderly and the Dangers of Addiction

Is it possible you may have a preconceived notion of certain stereotypical groups of people? For instance, when you hear the words “drug addict”, what immediately comes to mind? A young adult struggling to make it through daily living without a fix, maybe resorting to a life of crime to fund his or her addiction? […]


Are Sundowning Symptoms Disrupting Sleep? Try These Tips.

Those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease know that as the day winds down, the stressors can ramp up. Sundowning, a common experience in dementia in which seniors become agitated, fearful, and restless during the evening hours, is exhausting for all involved. Aggravations escalate as members of the family try to keep the […]


Try These Timesaving Tips for Caregivers and Cut Back on Stress

“If only there were a few more hours in the day!” If you are in the “sandwich generation”, most likely you can relate to this sentiment, as you are constantly juggling the needs of your children and the needs of your aging parents. The following timesaving tips, however, may help to shave just a few […]


Taking Care of Parents? These Tips Can Help!

Since your mother gave up her car keys and is having difficulties moving around on her own, you and your siblings have made the decision to share the task of providing for her care needs. Someone has to take her to the doctor’s office, grocery store and beauty shop. Someone else needs to take care […]


Help for Those Providing Dementia Care

If only providing dementia care for a loved came with a handbook, rather than the trial-and-error-and-trial-again method so many of us are faced with. The different phases of the disease that have to be worked through make it even more complex; the moment we begin to feel moderately adept at handling one phase, we’re on […]


Does Reducing Saturated Fat Decrease Heart Disease Risk? Shocking Answers.

It’s difficult to plan healthy meals to reduce heart disease risk when what is recommended as “healthy” seems to change from one month to the next. We’d been told that saturated fats from sources such as butter, red meat and fried food were detrimental, but later research indicated there wasn’t enough proof that those who […]


Could You Actually Be Using This Form of Elder Abuse on a Loved One?

Nowadays, everyone is talking about bullying and how to stop it. We’re now a zero tolerance society when it comes to bullying, and a rough and tough ten-year-old can no longer get away with teasing and tormenting his classmates. But perhaps there’s some other, less apparent sort of bullying occurring – that of trying to […]


Shedding New Light on Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

Research scientists are shedding new light on treatments to potentially impact Alzheimer’s disease: light therapy. Effects of light are only just starting to be tapped into, and already are showing some notable and promising results. For instance, MIT analysts are assessing a form of flickering light therapy, in which the visual cortex of mice is […]


Frequently Asked Questions Following a Heart Attack

Sometime this year, someone you love may experience a heart attack. How will this change your lives? What information will you need to know? How can you help? The many questions of how your everyday lives will be changed can be overwhelming. As with anything, the best defense is a good offense, and being prepared […]


What Is “Elderspeak” or “Ageism”?

Sweetie, dear, honey – terms of endearment like these may very well be appreciated when spoken by our significant other or when said to our very young children, but how do elderly people respond to them? In a word, many are utterly offended. And despite the fact that doctors, restaurant personnel, hair stylists as well […]


Breaking News in Alzheimer’s Care: Promising Medication in Final Phase of Human Trials

In the last several years, it seems a new drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease pops up in the news every week, and we’re always happy to share the latest developments, but never before has a drug’s test results looked quite as encouraging as the latest: aducanumab. In the initial medical tests, researchers witnessed a substantial […]


Diabetes Care Breakthrough: The First FDA-Approved Artificial Pancreas

When finger pricks, sugar lows, and insulin shots are not far from your thoughts, have faith, people suffering from diabetes: the FDA has recently approved the very first artificial pancreas – a hybrid closed-loop system that includes an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor. This impressive product doesn’t just instantaneously stop the insulin pump […]