dementia care

Dementia Care Tips: How to Respond When a Senior Wants to Go “Home”

"Home sweet home" as the saying goes; but if you are caring for…

There Actually Is an Upside to Dementia

Introduce the topic of "dementia" at your next summer party and…
senior opiod use

Pain Management in the Elderly and the Dangers of Addiction

Is it possible you may have a preconceived notion of certain…

Are Sundowning Symptoms Disrupting Sleep? Try These Tips.

Those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease know…
caregiver stress

Try These Timesaving Tips for Caregivers and Cut Back on Stress

"If only there were a few more hours in the day!" If you are…
Dementia Care

Help for Those Providing Dementia Care

If only providing dementia care for a loved came with a handbook,…
light bulb brain

Shedding New Light on Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

Research scientists are shedding new light on treatments…
dementia care

Dementia Care: Key Symptoms Used to Diagnose Dementia

Mom seems to be a bit perplexed nowadays. Yesterday evening,…

Solving the Alzheimer’s Riddle: Why We’ve Never Been Closer

With the expected rise in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's,…