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157 search results for: dementia


Create a Memory Book for Seniors with Dementia

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss Memories are what bind together our past with who we are today; and for a senior with dementia, confusion around these memories can have a profound impact. One of our goals in taking care of seniors with […]


Is It Senior Forgetfulness – or Dementia?

You entirely forgot about the doctor’s appointment scheduled for last Tuesday, misplaced your reading glasses for the umpteenth time, and can’t remember the name of the new neighbor for the life of you. Is all of this simply an ordinary part of growing older, or could it be the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease or another […]


7 Simple Tips to Handle a Frustrating Dementia Behavior: Refusal to Change Clothes

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or some other type of dementia requires empathy, creativity and patience, the ability to step away from your own reasoning and logic and understand why a particular behavior is happening, and then to figure out the best way to successfully manage it. That is certainly the situation with a loved […]


Dementia Caregiver Tip: How to Respond When You’re Falsely Accused

It can come seemingly out of nowhere: you place your loved one’s favorite tuna sandwich in front of her – light on the mayo, no onions – something that usually brings her pleasure. But today, she pushes the plate away and refuses to take a bite, insisting that you’ve poisoned the food. Or, you’ve provided […]


Difficult Behaviors Associated with Dementia: Rummaging

Looking through bins, cupboards, and closets, pulling out odds and ends from drawers, and sorting repetitively through many different items might be frustrating for people providing care for a loved one with dementia, but in reality these actions are fulfilling an objective. Rummaging may provide a measure of comfort for those with Alzheimer’s, through identifying […]


Living with Dementia: Is It Alzheimer’s or LATE dementia?

An individual who displays memory loss, confusion, poor judgment, repetition, and challenges with carrying out day-to-day activities has the distinguishing signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, right? The truth is, what seems like a clear-cut case of Alzheimer’s may really be a newly recognized dementia. Referred to as LATE, or limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy, this […]


The Benefits of Journaling when Caring for Someone with Dementia

Caring for someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is a fluid, ever-evolving undertaking. One day can be calm and peaceful, with your family member taking pleasure in activities, eating healthy meals, and sharing laughter with you; while the next day might be filled with agitation, anxiety, and sullenness. Exactly what will today bring? Figuring out how […]


To Overcome the Combination of Incontinence with Dementia, Use These Tips

Dementia care calls for both empathy and creativity to manage a variety of complex behaviors and effects, which is especially true when dealing with incontinence, something that is exceedingly common in Alzheimer’s as well as other types of dementia. Below are tried-and-true strategies that are usually effective in minimizing the impact of incontinence and preventing […]


5 Easy Tips for Minimizing Agitation Caused by Dementia

Agitation is one of the more difficult challenges of dementia, and can be incredibly complex for family members to manage. It is important to take steps to deal with agitation before it’s felt and expressed by the senior loved one, which involves monitoring what has caused these feelings in the past, and creating a home […]


Dementia Care Tips – Laughter May Work Better Than Traditional Medicines

Caring for someone you love with dementia is definitely not something to laugh about. However, scientific studies are increasingly pointing towards the benefits associated with humor, and mixing laughter and dementia care could possibly be exactly what the doctor ordered to improve quality of life for a loved one. As an example, an Australian study […]


Nonverbal Communication Strategies Are Useful for Seniors with Dementia

Conversations with a cherished older adult who is struggling with dementia, particularly in the middle and later stages, is often frustrating – both for you personally and also for your loved one. Brain changes affect the ability to hear, process, and respond effectively to conversations, and it’s up to us to put into practice new […]


How to Calm Someone with Dementia

When a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia becomes agitated, anxious or aggressive, it can be alarming and challenging for family caregivers. Becoming aware of the potential triggers and the types of calming techniques that can help refocus the individual is important for the comfort and safety of all […]